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Results for "practice: Being Present"
Coffee with the Buddha Joan Duncan Oliver's imaginary dialogue with the Buddha on being present.
Ecclesiastes Rami Shapiro's interpretation of the book of Ecclesiasties as an explanation of impermanence.
This Is Getting Old Susan Moon on how conscious aging helps us deal with the fear of missing something and brings us back to the present moment.
The Power of Pause Terry Hershey's recommendation that we savor all the ordinary pleasures and activities of a day without the heaviness of expectation, worry, or fear.
When All You've Ever Wanted Isn't Enough Harold Kushner's explanation of the Jewish autumn holiday of Sukkot and its emphases upon thanksgiving and the acknowledgment of impermanence.
Ulysses and Us Declan Kiberd's assessment of James Joyce's objective in Ulysses: to capture a sense of life in full flow.
The Work of This Moment Toni Packard on being present in this moment and seeing things as they are now.
Three Gates to Meditation Practice David A. Cooper's personal story of being present.
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